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Total de Resultados: 41

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2403378 Autor: Vicente SilvaObra: O Imperador da Onça MalhadaMaterial: Outros (Madeira, Cerâmica e Fibra)Cidade/Estado: Recife/PEAno: 2023Descrição: A obra ""O Imperador da Onça Malhada"", criada pelo talentoso artista Vicente Silva, é uma representação artística que retrata um ser mitológico e místico: o imperador da onça malhada. Utilizando uma combinação de materiais como madeira, cerâmica e fibra, o artista dá vida a essa figura enigmática, que representa a força e o poder da natureza. Detalhes minuciosos e texturas elaboradas revelam a habilidade e a criatividade do artista em transmitir a presença imponente do imperador da onça malhada. Recife, cidade rica em tradições culturais e históricas, é o cenário inspirador para essa obra que mergulha nas lendas e nos mistérios do folclore brasileiro. ""O Imperador da Onça Malhada"" é uma obra que nos transporta para um universo mágico e nos convida a refletir sobre a relação entre o homem e a natureza. Ela foi exposta durante a 23ª edição da Feira Nacional de Negócios do Artesanato (FENEARTE), realizada no Centro de Convenções de Olinda, entre os dias 5 e 16 de julho de 2023.
2403357 Autor: Gisely LeonardoObra: O Homem da Meia-NoiteMaterial: Reciclado de peças de computadoresCidade/Estado: Olinda/PEAno: 2023Descrição: A obra "O Homem da Meia-Noite" de Gisely Leonardo é uma encantadora homenagem ao famoso bloco carnavalesco de Olinda. Utilizando com maestria materiais reciclados de peças de computadores, a artista dá forma a uma figura imponente e emblemática do carnaval pernambucano. Os detalhes minuciosos e as cores vibrantes retratam a energia contagiante e a alegria do personagem. A obra transcende o material utilizado, transmitindo a essência da festividade e capturando a imaginação do espectador. Gisely Leonardo demonstra sua habilidade artística ao transformar objetos descartados em uma peça de arte expressiva e cativante. "O Homem da Meia-Noite" é uma celebração da cultura e tradição de Olinda, convidando a todos para se envolverem na atmosfera festiva do carnaval e apreciarem a riqueza do patrimônio cultural pernambucano. Essa obra foi exposta durante a 23ª edição da Feira Nacional de Negócios do Artesanato (FENEARTE), realizada no Centro de Convenções de Olinda, de 5 a 16 de julho de 2023. Não se esqueça da importância de reciclar o lixo eletrônico.
917_05_WHA_119_0659 Skull fragment of Homo habilis, a species of the tribe Hominini, during the Gelasian and early Calabrian stages of the Pleistocene geological epoch, which lived between roughly 2.1 and 1.5 million years ago. The type specimen is OH 7, discovered in 1960 at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania.
akg239664 Anthropology: Origin of Mankind. "Evolutionary Tree of Mankind". Evolution from Australopithecus anamensis (blue) throgh Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis, Homo erectus and archaischem Homo sapiens to Homo neanderthalensis and Homosapiens). Drawing, 1998, by Johann Brandstetter. (b. 1959). Owned by the artist. Copyright: Artistic copyright in this image is automatically cleared via akg-images.
alb2266629 Infographic of the Homo habilis and Homo erectus, their anatomic changes, the making of tools and the mastery of fire. [QuarkXPress (.qxp); 5000x3208].
alb2275077 Reconstruction of a skull of Homo habilis (Australopithecus habilis), from Kenya. Pliocene epoch. Location: Firenze, Museo Di Storia Naturale Dell'Universita' Degli Studi Di Firenze.
ibltsm09635622 Collection of prehistoric Homininae skull replicas, African hominids like Paranthropus boisei, Homo erectus, Homo habilis and Homo ergaster
ibltsm09635623 Collection of prehistoric Homininae skull replicas, African hominids like Paranthropus boisei, Homo erectus, Homo habilis and Homo ergaster
alb2266834 Infographic about the Homo habilis, a hominid that inhabited the Earth 2-2,5 million years ago. [QuarkXPress (.qxp); Adobe InDesign (.indd); 4960x3188].
alb2266731 Infographic of the evolution of the human being, from the Australopithecus up until the present Homo sapiens. [QuarkXPress (.qxp); 6259x4015].
alb2268247 Infographic covering the evolutionary history of human beings. [Adobe Illustrator (.ai); 2480x3248].
alb2268314 Infographic of the evolution of the hominids, from the Australopithecus (5 million years ago) to the Homo Sapiens, which appeared 150.000 years ago. [QuarkXPress (.qxp); Adobe InDesign (.indd); 4960x3188].
alb2266495 Infographic of the origins of man and evolution of hominids according to the version of the scientists of Atapuerca. [Adobe InDesign (.indd); 5078x3248].
alb2267945 Computer graphics about the evolution of Humankind from Australopithecus to Homo Sapiens (from 4 million years to 150,000 ago). [Adobe InDesign (.indd); 4960x3188].
alb5358449 Homo habilis, Twiggy skull replica, Museo Comarcal de Molina de Aragón, Guadalajara, Spain.
alb5359268 Homo habilis, Museo de la evolución humana, MEH, Burgos , Spain.
alb3389243 Homo Habilis. Fossil KNM ER 1813. Complete cranium. 1,9 milliions years old. Descovered at Koobi Fora, Kenya. Africa.
iblsfs02317679 Replica skull of Homo habilis, evolution of human species
iblsfs02317677 Replica skull of Homo habilis, evolution of human species
akg601476 Homo habilis (ca. 1,9 Millionen Jahre alt). Fundort: Koobi Fora, Kenia.
akg601477 Homo habilis (ca. 1,9 Millionen Jahre alt). Fundort: Olduvai Gorge, Tansania.
les03030359 Skull of Homo habilis from Lake Turkana, Kenya. Homo habilis is the earliest known species of the genus Homo; that is, the first human species. It existed from approximately 2.2 to 1.6 million years ago in east Africa. Only a few fossil remains have been discovered so far, but these specimens exhibit a clear trend toward larger brain size. Location: Anthropological Institute, Turin, Italy.
1016_03_59260 This image shows the skull of a homo habilis.
1016_03_59259 Homo rudolfensis was a little taller? 5 feet (1.5 m) on average?and had a larger skull than Homo habilis. He also walked more upright and more efficiently.
1016_03_59258 Homo habilis is considered the first inventor in humanity because he left the first traces of real tools. By striking a pebble against a very hard rock, he obtained a sharp- edged tool we call a chopper, as well as flakes that were like knives. These allowed him to cut up carcasses, open.nuts and break bones to extract the highly nourishing marrow inside.
1016_03_59257 Homo habilis appeared 2.5 million years ago. Many paleontologists consider him the first human, especially because he showed great manual dexterity and his brain was much larger than that of his pre-human ancestors. Homo habilis lived in the savannahs and forests of Africa?s eastern and southern regions.
1016_03_59255 The first tools were made by striking one rock against another to make it sharp, by the Homo habilis.
1016_03_59256 The first tools were made by striking one rock against another to make it sharp, by the Homo habilis.
955_08_85008069 Mammals - Homo habilis: Homo habilis skull
917_05_510012084 Part of Homo habilis skull
917_05_510011769 Homo rudolfensis
926_09_evolhv066a4 Homo habilis, "able man" or "handy man," which lived from 2 to 1.5 million years ago.
926_09_evolhv004a4 The increase in hominin cranial capacity through various species over time.
926_09_evolhv003a4 Possible pathways in the evolution of hominins. Solid lines show temporal ranges and dotted lines show inferred relationships.
961_13_rms04594 Three skulls, front Homo habilis, center Homo erectus, back Homo sapiens
00482973 Able Man (Homo habilis) skull fossil model owned by Rhinopolis, France, originally from Kenya
alb1885394 Description: Anthropology - Homo habilis skull. From Tyrkana.. Location: TURIN, MUSEO DI ANTROPOLOGIA ED ETNOGRAFIA (ANTHROPOLOGY AND ETHNOGRAPHY MUSEUM).
akg348201 Prehistory:. Phylogeny of man. Group of prehistoric people (From left to right and front to back: Homo erectus, Australopithecus africanus, Australopithecus rudolfensis,-afarensis, Homo habilis, Australopithecus boisei, Neanderthal and Australopithecus anamensis). Plastic reconstruction Schnaubelt & Kieser. Darmstadt, Hessisches Landesmuseum. . Museum: Darmstadt, Hessisches Landesmuseum.
akg348194 Prehistory:. Phylogeny of man. Homo habilis. (c. 2,4 - 1,7 mil. years ago). Plastic reconstruction by W.Schnaubelt & N.Kieser. HLMD-S 1998-16. Darmstadt, Hessisches Landesmuseum. . Museum: Darmstadt, Hessisches Landesmuseum.
00288686 prehistory, people, illustration of a Homo habilis,
0001346 HOMO HABILIS: SKULL. Line drawing.

Total de Resultados: 41

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